New Delhi, Aug 5 Hitting back at sportspersons criticising cricketers for not signing an anti-doping clause, Indian batsman Yuvraj Singh today said playing to a cramped calendar makes it necessary for cricketers to guard their privacy in a brief off-season.
Several Olympians, including Beijing gold medal-winning shooter Abhinav Bindra have ridiculed the cricketers&aposprivacy and security apprehensions with regards to the' Whereabouts Clause&aposof the WADA anti-doping code which requires athletes to furnish their location three months in advance for out of competition tests.
Yuvraj said while the athletes from other sports were entitled to their opinions, the cricketers&aposconcerns were not without basis either.
"I feel we are travelling more. We are playing a lot of time in a year and we should be given more space with due respect to other sports," Yuvraj told CNN-IBN.
" After nine months of playing, we come home for just 10 days. We don&apost want somebody to intrude our privacy for dope tests during that small period. We have put out our points in front of the BCCI and they will speak to the ICC,"he added. The feisty left-hander said athletes from other sports don&apost have to travel abroad as much as the cricketers have to.
" Their sports and our sport is different. We play more and we get very little time with our families. They have their opinions but we have our concerns and we have conveyed them,"he said.
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